XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) filing is a method of filing financial statements and other business information in a standardized electronic format. It’s used to facilitate the exchange and analysis of financial data, making it easier for regulatory authorities, investors, analysts, and other stakeholders to access, compare, and analyze information across different companies. Here’s a general guide to XBRL filing:

1. Understanding XBRL:

Standardized Format: XBRL provides a standardized way of tagging financial data using predefined taxonomy elements, allowing for consistent presentation and interpretation of financial statements and reports.

Taxonomy: XBRL taxonomies are collections of predefined tags or elements that represent various financial concepts, such as assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, etc. Each element is assigned a unique identifier within the taxonomy.

Instance Document: The financial statements or reports are converted into an XBRL instance document by tagging the relevant data with the appropriate taxonomy elements.

2. XBRL Filing Process:

Preparation of Financial Statements: Prepare the financial statements or reports in accordance with applicable accounting standards and regulatory requirements.

Mapping and Tagging: Identify the relevant financial data in the prepared statements and map them to the corresponding elements in the XBRL taxonomy. Tag each data point with the appropriate XBRL tag.

Validation: Validate the tagged data to ensure accuracy and compliance with XBRL specifications and taxonomy requirements. Use XBRL validation tools or software for this purpose.

Creation of XBRL Instance Document: Compile the tagged data into an XBRL instance document in XML format. This document contains the tagged data along with metadata and other information required for processing and analysis.

Filing with Regulatory Authorities: Submit the XBRL instance document to the relevant regulatory authorities or filing platforms as per the prescribed filing requirements and deadlines. This may include submissions to securities regulators, stock exchanges, or other governmental agencies.

3. Benefits of XBRL Filing:

Efficiency: XBRL streamlines the filing process by automating data entry and validation, reducing the time and effort required for regulatory compliance.

Accuracy: Tagging financial data with standardized XBRL elements improves the accuracy and consistency of financial reporting, reducing errors and discrepancies.

Transparency: XBRL enhances transparency and accessibility of financial information, making it easier for stakeholders to analyze and compare data across companies and industries.

Analysis: XBRL facilitates data analysis and enables more sophisticated financial modeling, trend analysis, and benchmarking exercises by providing structured, machine-readable data.

4. Regulatory Requirements:

XBRL filing requirements may vary by jurisdiction, industry, and regulatory authority. It’s essential to understand the specific filing requirements and deadlines applicable to your organization.

Stay updated on any changes or updates to XBRL taxonomy, filing rules, and regulations issued by regulatory authorities to ensure compliance with current standards.

Engage with XBRL service providers, consultants, or industry associations for guidance and support in implementing XBRL filing processes and complying with regulatory requirements

Overall, XBRL filing offers numerous benefits for companies, regulators, and stakeholders by improving the efficiency, accuracy, and transparency of financial reporting and analysis. Understanding XBRL concepts and compliance requirements is crucial for organizations seeking to leverage XBRL for regulatory filings and financial reporting purposes.

To know more, Go through this link https://hamaricompany.com/xbrl-fillings/