Public Limited Company, often abbreviated as PLC (in the UK) or Inc. (in the US), is a type of business entity whose shares are freely traded on a public stock exchange. These companies can raise capital by selling shares to the general public, and their ownership is dispersed among numerous shareholders.

1. Limited Liability: Similar to private limited companies, shareholders’ liability is limited to the amount they have invested in the company. Their personal assets are generally protected from the company’s debts and liabilities.

2. Publicly traded shares: Public limited companies issue shares that are freely traded on public stock exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the London Stock Exchange (LSE). These shares can be bought and sold by individual and institutional investors.

3. Minimum capital requirements: Public limited companies often have higher minimum capital requirements compared to private limited companies. This is to ensure that the company has sufficient resources to operate and meet its obligations to shareholders.

4. Corporate governance: Public limited companies typically have a more complex corporate governance structure compared to private limited companies. They often have a board of directors elected by shareholders to oversee the company’s management and strategic decisions.

5. Regulatory requirements: Public limited companies are subject to stringent regulatory requirements, including financial reporting and disclosure obligations to shareholders and regulatory authorities. They must comply with securities laws and regulations governing public companies in their jurisdiction.

6. Transparency: Public limited companies are required to provide transparent and timely information to shareholders and the public. This includes financial statements, annual reports, and other disclosures to ensure transparency and accountability.

7. Access to capital: Being publicly traded allows public limited companies to raise capital more easily by issuing additional shares through secondary offerings or by issuing debt securities. This provides them with greater financial flexibility for expansion, acquisitions, or other strategic initiatives.

Public limited companies play a significant role in the global economy, representing some of the largest and most well-known corporations across various industries. Their ability to access public capital markets and their transparency in reporting make them attractive investment opportunities for a wide range of investors.

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