NBFC,Registering a Non-Banking Financial Company in India involves several steps and regulatory requirements. NBFCs are financial institutions that offer banking services without meeting the legal definition of a bank. They engage in activities such as lending, investment, asset financing, and other financial services.

  • 1. Eligibility Criteria: Before applying for registration, ensure that your company meets the eligibility criteria set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which regulates NBFCs in India. Generally, the company should be registered under the Companies Act, have a minimum net owned fund (NOF) as prescribed by RBI, and not be engaged in any prohibited activities.

  • 2. Company Formation: Set up a company structure suitable for an NBFC, such as a private limited company or a public limited company. Ensure compliance with the relevant laws and regulations governing companies in India.

  • 3. Capital Requirements: Ensure that the company meets the minimum capital requirements specified by RBI. The capital requirement varies depending on the type of NBFC and the activities it intends to undertake.

  • 4. Application Submission: Prepare the application for NBFC registration as per the guidelines provided by RBI. The application should include details such as the company’s business plan, management structure, proposed activities, sources of funds, and compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) norms.

  • 5.Submission to RBI: Submit the application along with the required documents to the Regional Office of the RBI under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company falls. RBI may seek clarifications or additional information during the review process.

  • 6. Verification and Inspection: RBI conducts a thorough verification and inspection of the applicant company, including its financial health, compliance with regulatory requirements, and governance practices.

  • 7. Grant of Certificate: If RBI is satisfied with the applicant’s eligibility and compliance, it issues a Certificate of Registration (CoR) authorizing the company to commence NBFC operations. The CoR specifies the conditions and restrictions, if any, imposed on the NBFC.

  • 8. Post-Registration Compliance: After obtaining the CoR, the NBFC must comply with ongoing regulatory requirements, including reporting, prudential norms, capital adequacy, asset classification, and provisioning norms prescribed by RBI.

It’s essential to engage legal and financial advisors experienced in NBFC registration to navigate the complex regulatory framework and ensure compliance with all requirements. Additionally, RBI periodically updates its regulations and guidelines for NBFCs, so staying informed about regulatory changes is crucial for maintaining compliance.

To know more, Go through this link https://hamaricompany.com/nbfc-registration/