The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a regulatory body responsible for ensuring food safety and hygiene standards in India. Food businesses operating in India are required to obtain FSSAI registration or license and comply with FSSAI regulations.

FSSAI Registration/License:

1. FSSAI Registration: Small-scale food businesses are required to obtain FSSAI registration. This applies to businesses with an annual turnover below a certain threshold (currently ₹12 lakh).

2. FSSAI License: Medium to large-scale food businesses need to obtain an FSSAI license. This includes manufacturers, processors, distributors, retailers, and importers/exporters.

Compliance Requirements:

1. Food Safety Management System (FSMS): Implement a food safety management system based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles to ensure the safety and hygiene of food products.

2. Labeling and Packaging: Comply with FSSAI regulations regarding labeling and packaging of food products. Ensure accurate and clear labeling of ingredients, nutritional information, FSSAI license/registration number, etc.

3. Hygiene and Sanitation: Maintain proper hygiene and sanitation standards in food processing, handling, storage, and transportation facilities.

4. Quality Control and Testing: Conduct regular quality control checks and testing of food products to ensure compliance with safety and quality standards prescribed by FSSAI.

5. Record-Keeping: Maintain records of raw materials, production processes, quality control measures, testing results, and other relevant documentation as required by FSSAI regulations.

Annual Returns:

While there isn’t a specific “FSSAI Return” in the same sense as tax or financial returns, food businesses may be required to submit periodic reports or returns to the FSSAI as part of their compliance obligations. These returns may include:

  • Annual Return: Some food businesses may be required to submit an annual return to the FSSAI, providing details of their operations, turnover, compliance status, etc.

  • Periodic Reports: Depending on the nature and scale of the business, periodic reports or declarations may be required to be submitted to the FSSAI on a quarterly or annual basis.

Professional Assistance:

  • Food businesses may seek assistance from food safety consultants, auditors, or FSSAI compliance experts to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and proper handling of documentation and reporting obligations.

  • It’s essential for food businesses to stay updated on FSSAI regulations, guidelines, and compliance requirements to avoid penalties and maintain food safety standards.

While there may not be a specific “FSSAI Return” in the traditional sense, food businesses are required to comply with FSSAI regulations and may need to submit periodic reports or returns as part of their regulatory obligations to ensure food safety and hygiene standards.