FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) registration and licenses are mandatory requirements for individuals and entities involved in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, distribution, and sale of food products in India. FSSAI ensures food safety and regulates the food industry to protect public health. Here’s an overview of FSSAI registration and licenses:

1. FSSAI Basic Registration:

Basic registration is applicable to small-scale food businesses with an annual turnover below a specified threshold (typically Rs. 12 lakhs).

Basic registration is suitable for businesses such as small-scale manufacturers, petty retailers, distributors, and transporters.

The application for basic registration is relatively simple and can be done online through the FSSAI website or manually by submitting Form A to the designated authority.

2. FSSAI State License:

State license is required for medium-sized food businesses with an annual turnover above the basic registration threshold but below another specified threshold (typically Rs. 20 crores).

State license is suitable for businesses such as medium-sized manufacturers, storage units, transporters, retailers, and distributors.

The application for a state license can be done online through the FSSAI website or manually by submitting Form B to the designated authority.

3. FSSAI Central License:

Central license is required for large-scale food businesses with an annual turnover above the state license threshold (typically Rs. 20 crores).

Central license is applicable to businesses such as large manufacturers, importers, exporters, 100% export-oriented units, and food catering services.

The application for a central license must be done online through the FSSAI website or manually by submitting Form B to the designated authority.

Application Process:

Applicants can apply for FSSAI registration or licenses through the online portal of FSSAI or manually by submitting the required forms to the designated authority.

The application forms (Form A for basic registration, Form B for state or central license) must be duly filled out with accurate details such as business name, address, food categories, turnover, etc.

Supporting documents such as identity proof, address proof, proof of business ownership, layout plan of the premises, and NOCs from relevant authorities must be submitted along with the application.

After submitting the application, the designated authority verifies the documents and conducts inspections, if required, to ensure compliance with food safety standards.

Once the verification process is completed, FSSAI issues the registration certificate or license, as applicable.


FSSAI registration and licenses are valid for a specific period (typically 1 to 5 years) and must be renewed before expiry.

Renewal applications can be submitted online or manually along with the required documents and fees.


FSSAI registration and license holders must comply with food safety and hygiene standards, labeling requirements, packaging regulations, and other relevant provisions specified by FSSAI.

Regular inspections and audits may be conducted by FSSAI authorities to ensure compliance.

Obtaining FSSAI registration or licenses is essential for businesses involved in the food industry to demonstrate compliance with food safety standards and legal requirements, ensure consumer trust, and avoid penalties or legal consequences. It’s advisable to seek guidance from FSSAI consultants or legal experts familiar with food safety regulations to ensure smooth registration and compliance processes.